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Jedanaest zapovesti Urgentne medicine
1. Tipične bolesti se nikada ne prikazuju tipično, a netipične bolesti se neće nikad prikazati osim ako ne sumnjaš na njih.
2. Nikada te neće tužiti zbog dobre komunikacije s osobljem ili sa tvojim bolesnicima.
3a. Rane uvek zahvataju tetive, živce i arterije dok se ne dokaže suprotno
3b. Bol u grudima je kardijalne etiologije dok se ne dokaže suprotno.
3c. Glavobolja je subarahnoidna hemoragija dok se ne dokaže suprotno.
3d. Ozbiljna bolest je prisutna dok se ne dokaže suprotno- zato i kažemo „urgentna medicina „.
4. Specijalisti su uvek budni u tri sata ujutru. Zapamti da ih pozoveš za konsultaciju.
5. Bolesnik koji ponovo zove Službu hitne medicinske pomoći nakon što si ga pregledao ranije tokom dana obično ima nešto vrlo ozbiljno u etiologiji. Ponovni poziv bolesnika posle kratkog vremena je crvena zastava upozorenja.
6. Uvek razgovaraj sa svima-tehničarima,sestrama,porodicom-oni su odličan izvor dodatnih informacija u potrazi za istinom u vezi onoga što se dogodilo bolesniku.
7. Bolesnici su obično vrlo pametni kad je reč o njihovoj bolesti. Dozvoli im sumnju i veruj u ono što ti kažu.
8. Kad si u nedoumici, uputi bolesnika na bolničko lečenje.
9. Stariji bolesnici su uvek bolesniji nego što izgledaju ili izjavljuju.
10. Tinejdžerke su uvek trudne i obično to negiraju dok ih ne pitaš i treći put.
11. Ako razmišljaš da uradiš bolesniku neki test-uradi ga. Kasnije te noći, kad budeš odlazio kući, požalićeš što ga nisi uradio. To stvarno nije vredno brige.
The Eleven Commandments of Emergency Medicine
By John Levin, M.D
The Eleven Commandments of Emergency Medicine
By John Levin, M.D
1. Typical diseases never present typically and atypical diseases will never present only when you don't suspect them.
2. You will never be sued for good communication with the staff or your patients.
3. a.) Lacerations always cut through tendons, nerves and arteries until proven otherwise.
b.) Chest pains are cardiac until proven otherwise.
c.) Headaches are subarchnoid hemorrages until proven otherwise.
d.) Serious illness is present until proven otherwise--that's why we call it Emergency Medicine.
4. Specialists are always awake at 3 am. Remember to call them for consultations.
5. Patients who return to the ER department after visiting earlier in the day usually have something seriously wrong. A "bounce back" is a red flag.
6. Always talk to everyone--nurses, paramedics, family...they are excellent sources of additional information in the search for the truth about what occurred or why the patient is there.
7. Patients are usually quite smart about their own diseases. Give them the benefit of the doubt--and believe what they say.
8. When in doubt, admit the patient.
9. Senior citizens are always sicker than they appear or state. Teenagers are always pregnant and usually will deny it until asked three times.
11. If you think of doing a particular test--do it. You will only regret not having done it later that night when you go home. The worry is not worth it.
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